Screen Photo Lock | How To Change Lock Screen Wallpaper

In the world of computers, Windows 10 is that the latest OS you’ll install lately. You want to notice one thing that the lock screen usually displays a background image. The background image is automatically chosen from Bing and automatically sized for your desktop screen. If you’ve got a high-resolution monitor, the feature works especially well. The feature is named screen photo lock and it’s an option within the Windows 10 Lock Screen settings dialog. We’ll show you ways to urge those pictures from Windows Spotlight onto your computer, which you’ll then feed to the slideshow option for your desktop wallpaper.

Screen Photo Lock

Screen Photo Lock in Windows 10:

The only problem is that there are no easy or quick thanks to downloading the pictures to your computer. Neither is there any thanks to using the Windows Spotlight feature for your desktop wallpaper. You’ll choose between Slideshow, but it requires you to point to a folder with pictures.

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If you’re unsure what Windows Spotlight is or if it’s not enabled on your computer, you’ll click on start and sort within the lock screen to mention this dialog. The lock screen images are very nice and it automatically changes after every two days. All of the pictures that are shown on your computer are literally already stored on your system, albeit not in a very user-friendly way.

How to Find Windows Spotlight Images:

The first step is to seek out all the stored images on your Windows 10 system. To try to do this, you’ll get to open Windows Explorer and click on on the View tab. Plow ahead and check both the File name extensions and Hidden items boxes. Once you’ve got done this, navigate to the subsequent directory below, using your own user account in situ of username.


You should see a bunch of files during this folder if you’ve got been using Windows Spotlight a few times. Go ahead and click on on the dimensions column to order the things by file size. The rationale we mention sorting by size is that a number of the files within the folder are but 50 KB and aren’t the wallpaper images. You’ll just ignore those files. Now what you would like to try to do is create a replacement folder elsewhere on your drive that you simply will use for the wallpaper images.

How to Change Screen Photo Lock:

This process consists of some major steps. Here we explained all the steps to perform this process:

Step 1:

Select all the files that are larger than 100KB approximately and replica them to the new folder. To copy, select the files then hold right-click and drag the pictures to the second Explorer window. You’ll notice that it’ll say “Move to Wallpapers”, which you’ll ignore since you’re holding down the right-click button on your mouse. Once you abandoning, you’ll get another dialog, however, saying the files can harm your computer.

Step 2:

To make the pictures viewable again, you’ve got to right-click on them to rename them. Since you’ve got no idea what the photo is going to be, just provide it variety for the name. You’ll even have to feature the file extension. The pictures are all getting to be either PNG or. JPG, so try them therein order.

Step 3:

Once you rename the file, plow ahead and double-click thereon to ascertain if it opens in your default photo viewer program. If it does, you’re good to travel. If not, try the opposite file extension. you ought to start seeing previews of the pictures in Explorer also as you rename them. Some remain with the default image placeholder icon, but the pictures load just fine.

That’s about all there’s thereto. It’s not the only procedure by any means, but it’s not risky and it’s fairly straight-forward. We suggest turning on the Spotlight for a few weeks then grabbing all the pictures. The sole downside here is that the folder contents change often and it doesn’t keep a record of every single image ever shown. It’ll delete some and replace them with newer images, so you would possibly need to repeat this procedure every few months.

Other Ways to Screen Photo Lock:

Here we defined 4 alternative ways to perform this operation. Here we explain all of them:

Screen Photo Lock in Windows 10

First Way:

If you are feeling that’s the way an excessive amount of work for those images, you are doing has a few other choices. First, you’ll spend a dollar and obtain the SpotBright app, which allows you to download the Spotlight images in only two clicks.

Second Way:

The second way is even easier. Someone has been nice enough to seek out each image utilized in the Spotlight and post it to Imgur. There is a minimum of 200+ images during this album and that they are all full HD resolution images. Using the location, you’ve got the advantage of downloading tons more of the Spotlight images than you’ll find within the hidden folder.

Third Way:

A third way is to use an ingenious PowerShell command. Albeit you’re non-technical, it’s very easy to run and it’ll prevent tons of manual work. Just create a folder on your desktop called Pics then open PowerShell by clicking on Start and typing in Powershell.


As we know the windows 10 the latest operating system in the computer industry. You want to notice one thing that the lock screen usually displays a background image. The background image is automatically chosen from Bing and automatically sized for your desktop screen. The only problem is that there are no easy or quick thanks to downloading the pictures to your computer. Neither is there any thanks to using the Windows Spotlight feature for your desktop wallpaper. Above in this article, we defined several ways to change the Screen Photo Lock in windows 10. So you can apply your favorite pictures on the lock screen.

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